Why choose hand-made?

Hand made Furniture Vs Factory Produced

Hand made furniture has always been highly desirable and consequently looked upon as something only in the reach of the wealthy. Over the decades these thoughts have pigeon holed handmade, bespoke furniture in the market as expensive and not within budget for the majority of us. Things remained this way for generations until the advent of factory production reduced the cost and made it possible for the masses to own.  Ownership of mass produced factory furniture remains the norm today for most families but there is now an alternative to purchasing from a high street shop, furniture superstore or over the Internet and trying to โ€˜make it fitโ€™ both your home and your budget.

That alternative is handmade.

Today it is now possible for craftsmen to create bespoke furniture at a cost not too far from high street prices. This is due to improvements in modern machinery, availability of materials and modern techniques allied with traditional skills, making it now within the budget of most individuals or families.

Hand Made Furniture

Factory Produced